Saturday, August 30, 2008


Corey planned a whole day to celebrate my 30th Birthday this year. We did it on a Wednesday (my actual Birthday was on the 15th) because he was off of work all day. He did such a great job. We shopped for Nevaeh's Birthday gift and then shopped for me. We went to see the new Batman movie and ate lots of buttery popcorn. And then he took me to the Cheesecake Factory where my whole small group was there waiting to surprise me (we were only missing one couple). Wow-talk about feeling special-I could hardly hold my emotion in! It was so wonderful. A big thank you to Corey for all his planning and sweetness and to our small group family for giving up there evening to celebrate with us. I had such a great day!
(I actually have more birthday stuff to post for Nevaeh and myself but it will have to wait till next time.)

30 years old and 30 weeks pregnant


Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday!!
oh and in answer to your question about my cyst..I don't know for sure yet. I should hear back from my ob next week after the holidays.

Lisa said...

Happy Belated Birthday!
Sounds like you had a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!

You look so cute!!


New Frontier Academy said...

You are so stinking cute. I miss you guys. Happy Birthday.

~melissa p. said...

What a hot mama!! You look so cute!! Happy belated Birtday!!

Love the under water pics. That is so neat. How did you teach her to go under the water at such an early age?