I found out that my Uncle Ralph's angiogram came out good. He ended up having one even though he is on chemo because of his symptoms. They needed to check right away and felt like he would make it okay. And he did-Thank you Jesus!
I can tell my hormones are crazy today because I am in such a bad mood tonight. I'm starting to feel like a lot of moms feel, I'm sure, like a hamster running in a wheel, but never getting anywhere. I think that's a run on sentence but anyway, I start feeling like this ever so often. Nevaeh is in a sassy phase and my husband has been injured for a week now (he actually re-twisted his ankle tonight). He's tried to help but it's not the same as when he's 100%. Sometimes I just feel like "why am I doing all this?" I know it's my job and my efforts will pay off in the future with Nevaeh, but in the meantime it is draining, frusterating. I can't even imagine how moms do it with multiple chlidren. Somedays I think I'm a great mom and want four children, other days I think I can barely handle one, how am I going to handle more??? Anyway, hopefully I'll get in a better mood soon. Actually, one big smooch from my sweet girl might do it. I know I have a wonderful life-sometimes a girl just needs a moment!!